Honey Revenge Share Their "Recipe For Disaster"

The Californian happy-indie-pop duo Honey Revenge have released a new single after their 2023 album, titled "Recipe for Disaster", out now via Thriller Records.


5/27/20241 min read

honey revenge band
honey revenge band

""Recipe For Disaster" is for the over-thinkers. Life is full of so many “what ifs” and it’s easy to let those questions take over and keep you from enjoying important moments. The lyrics are a journey of spiraling out over those aimless thoughts that keep you up at night, but realizing that doing so is a recipe for disaster in the end. The lyrics express my curiosity for where I’ll be a year from now, wondering if I’ll become more level headed. There’s an internal discussion regarding my struggles with change and pondering what “could’ve been” if certain scenarios played out differently. As the song progresses, I come to the realization that the only thing being so serious about every little detail will do, is distract me from the present and take away from big accomplishments." Says lead vocalist Devin Papadol about the new track.

Pushing the boundaries of pop, the LA band Honey Revenge released their latest track, "Recipe For Disaster" on Friday the 24th via Thriller Records. The track is cheerful and the instrumentals work along the vocals to deliver a truly catchy song, so on brand with Honey Revenge's previous singles "Airhead" or "Rerun", that were released as part of their album "Retrovision" in 2023.

Stream it below:

Image: Honey Revenge